photography + new media

photography + new media

  • Anett Stuth
  • Christof Klute
  • Dieter Nuhr
  • Blinky Palermo
  • Fabian Chiquet
  • Fotografie + Neue Medien
  • Dieter Nuhr
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson
  • Fabian Chiquet
  • Fotografie + Neue Medien
  • Fotografie + Neue Medien

Photography + new media

Photography and new media art are well established in the art scene and provide an enormous variety in their manifestations. Mostly it is exactly this kind of art which gives new impetus, expands borders and horizons and fathoms new possibilities and directions in art.

Classical photography tends to have a pictorial character and fascinates people with classical scenes or digital collages and its eagerness to experiment. New media art blends video art, multimedia installations, integration of music as well as active images and shows us the connection of familiar art forms, new media and digital technique.

Thus, we proudly present artists like CHRISTOPH KLUTE, ANETT STUTH, DIETER NUHR, HENRI-CARTIER BRESSON, ROBERT LEBECK and FABIAN CHIQUET, to name but a few, who are active in this area with special ideas and works.